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Review discovery

We gather and display real reviews from across the web about each contractor.

Cynthia Tam
for Easy Renovation

I have a very positive experience with the Easy Renovation team assigned to do my bathroom project. The job ..

Reza bahrami
for Struco Renovation

I had an amazing experience with Struco home and renovation for my recent home renovation in Toronto.

Ryan Pellegrini
for Domani Design Group

We dealt with Oscar Visentin and his team to do some renovations on the main floor of our house. I must say ..

for Cosmo Renovations

Got my kitchen renovated by fred! The experience was great, they did an amazing job!

Cynthia Tam
for Easy Renovation

I have a very positive experience with the Easy Renovation team assigned to do my bathroom project. The job ..

reza bahrami
for Struco Renovation

I had an amazing experience with Struco home and renovation for my recent home renovation in Toronto.

Ryan Pellegrini
for Domani Design Group

We dealt with Oscar Visentin and his team to do some renovations on the main floor of our house. I must say ..

for Cosmo Renovations

Got my kitchen renovated by fred! The experience was great, they did an amazing job!

Cynthia Tam
for Easy Renovation

I have a very positive experience with the Easy Renovation team assigned to do my bathroom project. The job ..

reza bahrami
for Struco Renovation

I had an amazing experience with Struco home and renovation for my recent home renovation in Toronto.

Ryan Pellegrini
for Domani Design Group

We dealt with Oscar Visentin and his team to do some renovations on the main floor of our house. I must say ..

for Cosmo Renovations

Got my kitchen renovated by fred! The experience was great, they did an amazing job!

Riad Khan
for TROC

We had TROC do extensive renovations on our new house in Toronto. Cesar and Perry did an outstanding job on our ..

Amar Ayoub
for Rostica Renovations

I hired Rostica for my kitchen renovations after learning about them through a referral. They’re licensed ..

Goli Amini-Rad
for Maserat Developments

Maserat Development's project manager is extremely genuine and on point. He truly listened and ..

Jacqueline Marie
for Nevco Renos Inc.

We have worked closely with the Nevco team for a couple years and it’s been a pleasure doing business with ..

Riad Khan
for TROC

We had TROC do extensive renovations on our new house in Toronto. Cesar and Perry did an outstanding job on our ..

Amar Ayoub
for Rostica Renovations

I hired Rostica for my kitchen renovations after learning about them through a referral. They’re licensed ..

Goli Amini-Rad
for Maserat Developments

Maserat Development's project manager is extremely genuine and on point. He truly listened and ..

Jacqueline Marie
for Nevco Renos Inc.

We have worked closely with the Nevco team for a couple years and it’s been a pleasure doing business with ..

Riad Khan
for TROC

We had TROC do extensive renovations on our new house in Toronto. Cesar and Perry did an outstanding job on our ..

Amar Ayoub
for Rostica Renovations

I hired Rostica for my kitchen renovations after learning about them through a referral. They’re licensed ..

Goli Amini-Rad
for Maserat Developments

Maserat Development's project manager is extremely genuine and on point. He truly listened and ..

Jacqueline Marie
for Nevco Renos Inc.

We have worked closely with the Nevco team for a couple years and it’s been a pleasure doing business with ..