Booking $2.23M: 7 Appointments Elevate Toronto Construction Company

Booking $2.23M: 7 Appointments Elevate Toronto Construction Company

MBC Homes, steered by the adept Max, excels in crafting high-end additions, custom home constructions, Garden Suites, and Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs). Renowned for their meticulous attention to detail and superior craftsmanship, MBC Homes faced the challenge of consistently securing projects that reflected their high standards and substantial project value.


The primary aim was to bolster MBC Homes' lead generation and appointment booking processes, targeting the acquisition of high-value projects with an average project value pegged at $318,560.


  • Audience Insight and Segmentation: We began with an in-depth analysis of MBC Homes' potential clientele, segmenting the audience to align our messaging with the specific services of interest, ensuring high relevance and engagement.
  • Full Funnel Campaign Architecture: We constructed a robust full-funnel marketing campaign utilizing Meta Ads Manager, meticulously designed to guide potential clients from initial awareness through to decisive action, with a pronounced focus on securing appointment bookings.
  • Lead Magnet Implementation: To effectively gather valuable customer data, we introduced enticing lead magnets, including offers for complimentary consultations and informative guides related to Garden Suites and ADUs, thereby capturing the interest and contact details of potential leads.
  • Customized Forms Utilization: We strategically embedded customized forms within both the advertisements and corresponding landing pages, simplifying the process for prospects to submit their information, thereby facilitating a seamless progression from initial interest to active engagement.
  • Optimized Landing Page Development: Each ad set was paired with a dedicated landing page that mirrored the ad's specific message, optimized for high conversion rates with clear calls-to-action (CTAs) aimed at booking appointments.
  • Diligent Follow-Up Protocol: A rigorous automated follow-up mechanism was put in place, ensuring that every lead was contacted an average of 8.3 times. This methodical approach markedly improved the conversion rate from inquiries to confirmed appointments.
  • Continuous A/B Testing: To maximize campaign efficacy, we engaged in continuous A/B testing across all campaign facets, including ad creatives, headlines, and landing page designs, refining our strategies based on empirical performance data and analytics.


During the execution phase, our focus shifted towards the meticulous implementation of the bespoke marketing plan we had devised for MBC Homes. This stage was marked by a series of deliberate actions, each aimed at maximizing the impact of our strategies and ensuring a seamless translation of plans into tangible results.

Campaign Rollout:

We initiated the campaign by launching targeted ad sets across Meta platforms, carefully timed to capture the audience's attention effectively. Each ad was crafted to highlight MBC Homes' expertise in high-end constructions and renovations, appealing directly to the interests of potential clients.

Content Deployment:

Parallel to the ad campaigns, we rolled out a diverse array of content, from engaging social media posts that showcased MBC Homes' latest projects to informative blog entries that positioned them as industry leaders. This content strategy was designed to enhance brand visibility and foster engagement.

Performance Monitoring and Optimization:

With the campaigns in full swing, our team diligently monitored key performance indicators, leveraging real-time data to fine-tune our strategies. This continuous optimization process ensured that each aspect of the campaign was performing at its peak, adjusting targeting, messaging, and creative elements as needed.

Strategic Follow-Ups:

Central to our execution phase was a robust follow-up strategy, where leads generated from the campaigns were nurtured through personalized communication efforts. This process was systematically managed to ensure an average of 9.4 follow-up interactions, significantly enhancing the conversion rate from lead to booked appointment.

A/B Testing for Refinement:

Throughout the execution phase, we engaged in rigorous A/B testing of all campaign elements, from ad visuals to landing page layouts. This iterative approach allowed us to identify the most effective strategies and apply these insights in real-time, continually elevating the campaign's overall performance.

This execution phase was pivotal in transforming the strategic vision into actionable outcomes, setting the stage for the remarkable results achieved in terms of booked appointments and project acquisition for MBC Homes.


  • High-Value Appointments: Achieved 7 premium appointments in one month, each with an impressive average project value of $318,560.
  • Lead Quality and Cost Efficiency: The strategic full-funnel approach and lead magnet strategy significantly enhanced lead quality while reducing acquisition costs, aligning with MBC Homes' high-value project targets.
  • Persistent Follow-Up: It took an average of 9.4 follow-ups to secure bookings, emphasizing the vital role of persistent and strategic follow-up in the conversion process.

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How does RenoAssist work for contractors ?

At RenoAssist, we bridge contractors with homeowners for tailored appointments aligned with your expertise and business objectives via marketing.

What services are offered by RenoAssist?

We provide an all-in-one platform for managing your business & expert marketing services through RenoMarketer.

What kind of support can I expect?

You'll have access to a dedicated account manager who will provide regular updates, strategic advice, and answer any questions you might have about your growth.

How does the all-in-one platform benefit contractors?

Our platform includes tools for client management, automated marketing, project scheduling, and more to streamline operations and boost efficiency.

What is included in RenoMarketer?

RenoMarketer offers comprehensive marketing services like SEO, paid ads, social media management, and lead generation tailored for contractors.

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