Renovation Office's Digital Surge: 67 Leads, $37,441 Avg Value in 5 Weeks

Renovation Office's Digital Surge: 67 Leads, $37,441 Avg Value in 5 Weeks

Renovation Office, led by the innovative Kaan, is renowned for transforming living spaces with their expertise in soft renovations, focusing on bathroom remodels, basement finishings, and kitchen renovations. Despite delivering exceptional quality in non-structural renovation work, they encountered challenges in generating a consistent stream of high-value leads.


The primary goal was to revitalize Renovation Office's lead generation mechanism and establish a solid digital footprint, aiming to attract leads with an average value of $37,441. This objective was set to align with their specialized service offerings, ensuring quality leads that match their project portfolio.


  • Market Analysis and Audience Targeting: Our initial step involved a deep dive into Renovation Office's market positioning and potential customer base, segmenting the audience to tailor our campaigns to resonate with individuals specifically seeking soft renovation services.
  • Comprehensive Digital Campaign: Leveraging the Meta Ads platform, including Facebook and Instagram, we launched a full-scale digital campaign. The strategic use of Facebook Forms played a pivotal role in capturing lead information effectively.
  • Website Development and Optimization: A significant milestone in this project was developing Renovation Office's website from scratch. This digital hub not only showcased their renovation projects but also served as a central point for lead capture and conversion, fully optimized for user engagement and SEO.
  • Lead Magnet Integration: To entice potential leads, we crafted compelling lead magnets that offered valuable insights into renovation processes, tips, and best practices, encouraging users to share their contact details in exchange for this valuable content.
  • Strategic Use of Customized Forms: Customized forms were integrated within both the advertising campaigns and the newly developed website, streamlining the process for visitors to express their interest and ensuring a smooth transition from casual browsing to active engagement.
  • Follow-Up and Engagement: Understanding the importance of lead nurturing, we implemented a systematic follow-up strategy, with an average of 11.2 interactions per lead, to maintain engagement and gently guide potential clients towards booking a consultation.
  • Ongoing Optimization and A/B Testing: Throughout the campaign, we continuously monitored performance metrics, applying A/B testing to various elements from ad copy to landing page design, ensuring each component was optimized for maximum conversion efficiency.


The execution phase for Renovation Office was a blend of strategic precision and dynamic digital marketing execution, aimed at transforming the meticulously crafted marketing blueprint into tangible outcomes. This crucial stage marked the intersection of our detailed planning with the actionable world of online marketing, ensuring that each campaign element was not merely launched but also finely tuned for optimal performance.

Campaign Activation:

This phase kicked off with the launch of targeted ad campaigns across the Meta network, utilizing Facebook Forms as a key lead capture tool. Each campaign was strategically timed and crafted to resonate deeply with individuals seeking soft renovation solutions, maximizing engagement and lead capture opportunities.

Website Development and Launch:

A significant milestone in the execution phase was the launch of Renovation Office's newly developed website. This digital platform was not only a showcase of their renovation projects but also a central hub for lead generation, designed with user experience and conversion optimization at its core.

Content Strategy Implementation:

Alongside ad campaigns, we deployed a rich array of content across various digital channels. From compelling social media posts that highlighted Renovation Office's renovation expertise to insightful blog content that underscored their authority in the field, our content strategy was designed to engage, inform, and convert.

Real-Time Performance Monitoring:

With the digital campaigns in motion, our focus shifted to rigorous performance tracking. Leveraging state-of-the-art analytics tools, we monitored key metrics such as lead generation rates, engagement levels, and conversion rates, ensuring we had the insights needed to refine our strategies dynamically.

Continuous Optimization Cycle:

Central to our execution was the commitment to ongoing optimization. Analyzing real-time data allowed us to identify performance trends and areas for enhancement, enabling us to iteratively adjust ad creatives, targeting specifics, and messaging for sustained campaign improvement.

Transparent Communication:

Throughout this phase, we maintained clear and consistent communication with Renovation Office, providing detailed updates and performance reports. This ensured that they were always informed and involved in the decision-making process, reinforcing the collaborative nature of our partnership.

Leveraging Advanced Technology:

We employed the latest digital marketing technologies, from sophisticated automation tools for efficient follow-up processes to comprehensive CRM systems for detailed lead tracking, ensuring no lead was left unengaged and every opportunity for conversion was explored.

Navigating through the project execution phase with a focus on achieving Renovation Office's predefined marketing objectives, we laid a solid foundation for their business growth. This phase was instrumental in setting the stage for the upcoming Growth & Scale phase, where we aim to leverage the momentum generated to drive further expansion and success for Renovation Office.


  • Lead Generation Milestone: We successfully generated 67 high-quality leads, a testament to the effectiveness of our targeted campaigns and the engaging nature of the content and website. Each lead represented a potential client interested in Renovation Office's specialized soft renovation services.
  • Average Lead Value: The leads generated during this campaign were not just numerous but also of high value, with an average estimated project value of $37,441. This figure underscores the quality of the leads and their alignment with Renovation Office's project portfolio and financial goals.
  • Follow-Up Efficiency: A critical factor in converting these leads into potential sales opportunities was our follow-up strategy. On average, it took 11.2 follow-up interactions to effectively engage and progress each lead through the sales funnel, highlighting the importance of persistence and personalized communication in the lead nurturing process.
  • Digital Presence Transformation: The creation and launch of Renovation Office's new website marked a significant milestone in their digital presence. This platform not only served as a showcase for their expertise and previous projects but also played a crucial role in capturing and nurturing leads, further contributing to the campaign's success.

These results not only demonstrate the immediate impact of our comprehensive digital marketing efforts but also set a solid foundation for Renovation Office's continued growth and success in the competitive renovation industry. The achievements of this campaign reflect the power of a well-executed digital strategy in generating tangible business outcomes.

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At RenoAssist, we bridge contractors with homeowners for tailored appointments aligned with your expertise and business objectives via marketing.

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What is included in RenoMarketer?

RenoMarketer offers comprehensive marketing services like SEO, paid ads, social media management, and lead generation tailored for contractors.

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